Bethel International Christian School (BICS) is committed to supporting Christian families by providing a Christ-centered education for children. True scholarship (discerning God’s purpose for one’s life (Prov.1:7)) transforms children into the light and salt needed for this world, and provides the children with a solid foundation from which to assess the present and make appropriate decisions concerning their future. BICS is a co-educational day school that offers an international education program for students in pre-school (from 4 years) to Grade 12. BICS fosters an environment that enables students to aim for and achieve individual excellence in spiritual, social, academic and physical areas of the child’s development (Luke 2:52) and biblical instruction is integrated across the entire program of study.
VISION The Bethel International Christian School vision is to ‘Generate excellently trained students prepared to fulfill God’s purpose’.
MISSION To create a pervasive Christian culture while maintaining high academic standards for all students regardless of levels of ability.
PURPOSE The purpose of BICS is to support families in Christian upbringing by providing an all round Bible based education to children from K4 – G12 in Uganda through provision of an environment that enhances/stimulates the development of Christian leaders.
God expects, in keeping with His instruction in Proverbs 22:6, that we “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Our entire school program is designed to help parents fulfill this command of God. Any parent with different educational and spiritual expectations for his child is likely to be dissatisfied with Bethel International Christian School.
ORGANISATION The School is governed by a Board of Trustees, comprised of eight elected parents. Membership in the Association is automatically conferred on parents and guardians of BICS students and on all full-time BICS teachers.
At Bethel we will accomplish this purpose by achieving these goals: Goals
- To train a Christ-like generation who will be able to deal with all life situations and are service oriented. Our goal is that each student has a Biblical basis for social and physical development so that they can function as godly influences in our society and nation.
- To provide a Christ-centered education where the Word of God is an integral part of the entire curriculum and faith is integrated with all learning. (Thus enabling each student to read, reason from, and understand God’s Word and relate its truths to the daily aspects of life).
- To instill an internal moral code of behavior in each student based on God’s Word that will guide him/her in the decisions of life. (To ensure that each student understands and lives according to Biblical principles of righteous living.)
- To provide and maintain excellent academic training with an educational program that will prepare a student to reach his/her full potential for the glory of God.
EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7 The concepts of a Christian school philosophy of education are derived from the Bible. Therefore, at the foundation of education at BICS are the following convictions:
- God is sovereign in His world, and He is personal.
- Christ is the creator and the sustainer of the Universe.
- Reality and truth are known through His specific revelation, the Bible, which is the Word of God and through God’s general revelation in creation.
- Jesus Christ is the truth and He is the Source of all truth, for in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
- True values are perceived in the Word of God, not in the reasoning of man apart from God.
- Life has a purpose. Man is to live his life as a response to his Creator and Saviour, enjoying Him and endeavoring to please Him.
- God gives differing abilities to each student. In addition, spiritual gifts are bestowed at salvation.
- Parents are responsible for the education of their children in the home, in the church, and in the school.
The administration may at any time request the withdrawal of any student who in the opinion of the administration does not fit into the school philosophy or refuses to conform to the rules and regulations. It is the hope and desire of the administration that all parents and students will have a strong respect for the philosophies and aims of Bethel International Christian School.